Yes, I know it’s been out forever. But somehow I hadn’t gotten round to it yet. And now I’m really glad I did.
Moonrise Kingdom is Wes Anderson’s unashamed ode to true love. Set in the ’60s, it tells the tale of two twelve year olds who elope one fine summer on a fictional island. This leads to a search and rescue mission that involves a fun range of typical Wes Anderson characters on the island. To set the timing, a storm is brewing. So much for the plot.
I always enjoy Anderson’s eye for whacky detail, oddball characters and generally lavish set designs. However, I feel that all the visual splendor sometimes gets in the way of genuine emotional involvement. Often in his work I feel that I am looking at something rather than living it.
Going back to what I consider his masterpiece, “The Royal Tenenbaums” is notable in achieving a genuine sense of involvement. It may have taken a while but I truly believe Anderson has succeeded again in Moonrise Kingdom. It took me a while to start feeling it, but as soon as I did – around the quite realistic and gritty midpoint – I was sold.
The casting is quite excellent, kudos go out to the two young stars, who are believable at every weird turn. Special mention has to go out to Bruce Willis, who plays a great role in a understated, haunted manner.
In the end the film rings true and the feeling and story rise above the pleasingĀ aestheticsĀ Recommended for all romantics and those in need of a cure from cynicism.